Essay Contest - Category between 14 and 20 years

Between 14 and 20 years

The Europe, we want to be!

Translated in English:

Each nation has its national treasures, cultural heritage, nature, folklore and history. Our traditions make us; they build us up as a nation. They gather people and make them one whole. It is not something we have to learn, but something we carry in our souls – to be proud of where we are coming from and to preserve our past. Each nation brings along their own uniqueness and beauty through their tradition and history. We can learn from each other how to respect both our own nationality and the various cultures, the different moral and historic values. They make us stronger in difficult situations. Attacks all around the world aroused fear among people but they also gave rise to sympathy for the injured. That teaches us that we should be more united and stronger. It makes us a community – a European family.

Europe gives an opportunity for development of talented and creatively capable young people. Recently, we find more and more European projects uniting persons from all age groups. Contests for children and adolescents are conducted, which encourage individuality; dreams are made to come true and goals are accomplished. Such projects show people how to be tolerant, how our differences in terms of nationality, ethnicity, religion and culture actually make us united and diversified. That gives us a chance to rediscover the world in a different way, opening the doors to security and friendship.

Europe shows us the way to education, to getting to know new territories, worlds, people, cultures.

Europe can be called a multicoloured palette, which shows our nature. The difference in individuality and the beauty of each person and nation. Aren’t people like flowers? They are all different, beautiful and unique.

The borders existing between us are only geographic factors. That is why my idea of the future of Europe is related to the idea of building security, peace, unity and friendship. For me, the European family is a beautiful picture of colourful flowers.

Mihaela Mihova, 16, Bulgaria

Number of votes for this entry 58